Piano Department

Natalia Kirdan

Position: Associate Professor of the Piano Department
Academic title: Associate Professor (2020)
Education: Belarusian State Academy of Music (2000, piano class of B.I.Spektor), Master’s degree there (2001, chamber ensemble class of I.V.Galochkina).
Courses taught: Piano

Born on August 10, 1976 in Minsk (Belarus).

Since 2001, she has been a teacher at the Piano Department, a senior teacher at the Belarusian State Academy of Music, and an Associate Professor since 2018.

1st degree laureate in the category “Solo” at the Open International Piano Festival-Competition for musicians of various specialities “Classical and New Age for Piano”; laureate in the category “Piano Duet” at the XVII International Festival-Competition “Musica Classica”, XIII International Festival PIANO DUO, X International Competition of Performing Musicians and Composers “Romanticism: Origins and Horizons in Memory of E.F.Gnesina”, I International Competition of Piano Performers “Karelia – Belarus”, 5th Open International Festival-Competition in the speciality Piano for musicians of various specialities “Music of the peoples of the world for piano”, dedicated to peaceful creative interaction, Open International Festival-Competition in the speciality Piano for musicians of various specialities “Sonata allegro. Rondo. Variations.”; Diploma winner of the All-Russian Open Competition of Piano Duets “At the piano together” named after A.G.Bakhchiev;

Laureate in the “Teacher-Student” category at the 5th International Competition of Educational Programs for Chamber Music and Piano Duets “Music of a Duo”, VIII International Competition of Educational Programs “Music and the Word”, and the First Open Republican (with international participation) Competition of Piano Performers.

She actively conducts concert and educational activities as part of a piano duet together with Associate Professor of the Piano Department N.V.Sazanovich, takes part in the creative project “Music in the Museum”, has recorded a CD “Piano music by G.Gorelova “Music of the City” (2007).

Member of the Union of Musical Workers (2020).

Member of the jury of International and Republican Piano Competitions for students of various specialities (“Duet Music”, V.S.Popov Academy of Choral Art, Moscow, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, “Karelia-Belarus”, A.K.Glazunov Petrozavodsk State Conservatory, Petrozavodsk, 2021, First Open Republican Competition of Pianists (with international participation), Belarusian State Academy of Music, Minsk, 2022).

Natalia Kirdan takes part in Republican and International research and practice conferences.

Among her students are laureates of International and Republican competitions: A.Morenets, E.Gavrusyonok, Yu.Novitskaya, A.Bespyataya, P.Priemka, A.Yaroshuk, M.Furs, E.Glevich, P.Kudich, A.Piletskaya, D.Volodina, A.Gurova, A.Borisyuk, A.Apanovich, Y.Khmelevsky, A.Matveiko, E.Ermak, A.Alekhnovich, E.Zakhvatoshina, A.Solodkaya.

She was awarded Diplomas for pedagogical excellence of the Gnesin Russian Academy of Music, V.S.Popov Academy of Choral Art, Zagir Ismagilov Ufa State University of Arts, Dmitry Hvorostovsky Siberian State Institute of Arts; Gratitude for preparing laureates of the Belarusian State Academy of Music.

Awarded with a Letter of Gratitude from the Rector of the Belarusian State Academy of Music for a high level of professional excellence and training of the gifted and talented youth (2016), a Letter of Gratitude from the Rector for fruitful, conscientious work, a high level of professional excellence, and significant contribution to improving the process of training highly qualified specialists (2022).



  • The genre of the piano quartet in ensemble literature // Piano education. Problems and prospects Vol. 3: Conference materials, M.P.Mussorgsky Ural State Conservatory – Yekaterinburg, 2012;
  • Ensemble performance as a form of creative cooperation // Modernization of the musical educational process in Higher education: interuniversity collection of scientific and methodological articles / comp. E.S.Polyakova [and others]. – Minsk, 2015;
  • Methodological recommendations and performance analysis of the suite for piano for four hands e-moll by Yan Tarasevich // Training of a music teacher in the context of a competency-based approach: interuniversity collection of scientific and methodological articles / comp. E.S.Polyakova [and others]. – Minsk, 2016;
  • Performance features of the suite for piano four hands e-moll by Yan Tarasevich in the speciality Piano for students of various specialities (in music universities) // Culture. Science. Creativity, Materials of the X International Research and Practice Conference, Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts – Minsk, 2016;
  • Chamber-instrumental creativity of S.I.Taneyev as a factor in the development of Russian music of the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries. // Improving the musical educational process: issues of theory and practice: interuniversity collection of scientific and methodological articles / comp. E.S.Polyakova [and others]. – Minsk, 2017;
  • Practical aspects of the problem of forming a professional motivational sphere among students of different specialities of music universities // Current problems of art: history, theory, methodology, Materials of the IV International Research and Practice Conference, BSPU – Minsk, 2017;
  • Piano Quartet G-MOLL (OP.25) by Johannes Brahms: experience of performance analysis // Work of art in modern culture: creativity – performance – humanitarian knowledge: [collection of articles and materials] / VI International Research and Practice Conference, P.I.Tchaikovsky South Ural Institute of Arts – Chelyabinsk, 2018;
  • Performer’s interpretation of a large cyclic form (using the example of the sonata for violin and piano G – dur op.78 by Johannes Brahms) // Bulletin of the Institute of Modern Knowledge. – Minsk, 2018. – issue 4;
  • Some features of the chamber-instrumental creativity of S.I.Taneyev (on the example of the piano quartet op. 20) // Issues of musical culture and art in modern research: collection of scientific papers / Belarusian State Academy of Music. – Minsk – Issue 46. – P. 110–119;
  • Current trends in teaching the subject “Piano” in music universities for students studying in the speciality “Instrumental performance (string instruments)” // Modern problems of teaching piano in Higher education institutions / comp. N.V.Sazanovich. – Minsk: Belarusian State Academy of Music, 2020. – P.22-26;
  • Ensemble performance as a form of implementation of the principles of education in music universities // Musical culture of Belarus and the world: current problems of ethnomusicology, history of music, pedagogy.: collection of scientific papers / Belarusian State Academy of Music. – Minsk, Issue 52. – P.164-172.

Teaching aids:

  • Kirdan, N. Playing in chamber ensembles: quartets for piano, violin, viola and cello: teaching aid / N. Kirdan. – Minsk: Belarusian State Academy of Music, 2012. – 38 p.;
  • Kirdan, N. Chamber ensemble. Section 6: Chamber works of large cyclic form of various styles and eras: teaching aid / N. Kirdan. – Minsk: Belarusian State Academy of Music, 2019. – 58 p.


  • Piano: curriculum for specialities 1-16 01 06; 1-16 01 07. – Minsk, 2006; Piano: standard curriculum for Higher education institutions for specialization 1-16 01 02-01. – Minsk, 2014; Piano: curriculum for Higher education institutions for specialization 1-16 01 02-01. – Minsk, 2016.
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