
Since 1989, the Belarusian State Academy of Music has been involved in publishing activity. In 1997, the Academy was granted a publishing license. In 2005, the journal “Vestsi Belaruskai dzyarzhaunai akademii muzyki” and “Scientific works of the Belarusian State Academy of Music” (in six series) were approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus s for publishing the findings of dissertation research.

and was recognized as a scientific publication by the Republic of Belarus for the publication of dissertation research findings. In the last five years alone, the editorial and publishing department of the Academy has published 14 monographs, 20 collections of articles, 28 educational and methodical manuals, 10 issues of the journal “Vestsi Belaruskai dzyarzhaunai akademii muzyki”, 21 musical editions (the total volume of published products is about 1100 printed pages).

Требования к материалам, предлагаемым для публикации в журнале “Весці Беларускай дзяржаўнай акадэміі музыкі”
Требования к публикациям в изданиях Белорусской государственной академии музыки
Виды изданий (учебных, научных, справочных, нотных, электронных). Памятка для авторов
Порядок подготовки и выпуска учебных изданий
Депонирование научных работ
Нотный набор (основные ориентиры)
Руководство по графическому оформлению нотного текста