Departments for Educational, Research and Creative Work

Department of Ideological and Educational Work

Head of department : Kuznecova Irina Gennad’evna
Contact phone number: +375 17 252-71-52
Email address:

The department was established in April 1997.

It performs the following functions:

Within its competence, it performs organizational and methodological functions in educational and ideological work with students at the Academy.

Together with other divisions at the Academy, it creates optimal conditions for the intellectual growth of students, the development of their creative initiative, patriotic feelings, meaningful leisure and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

Coordinates the activities of employees and structural units of the Academy involved in the educational process, finding and developing forms, methods and means of coordination for this purpose.

It cooperates with related departments of other institutions of higher education, public and youth organizations of the regional and national levels.

Specialists of the department provide organizational and methodological assistance to the Student Council of the Academy and the Student Council of the Dormitory, and the Council of Foreign Students.

The purpose of educational work is to develop students’ socio-personal and general cultural competencies, create conditions for active life, for civic self-determination and professional self-realization, and to maximize the needs for intellectual, creative, cultural and moral development.

The goals, objectives and principles of educational work are implemented through its various areas and a set of targeted programs developed as needs arise and priorities are determined.

Since 2000, a socio-pedagogical and psychological service has been provided at the academy.

A teacher-psychologist conducts psychological testing and consultations, correctional and developmental training work aimed at solving problems of personal and professional growth.

A social teacher carries out a set of social protection measures, conducts preventive work to prevent offenses, promotes and contributes to a healthy lifestyle amongst students, and protects the rights and interests of students.

Department staff:

  • Natalia Ivanovna Kuntsevich (methodologist)
  • Alla Vladimirovna Danilova (social teacher)
  • Elena Vasilievna Kozhakina (teacher-psychologist)
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