Vocal Studies and Choral Conducting Faculty


Position: Vice-Rector for Educational Work, Associate Professor of the Choral Conducting Department
Education: Belarusian State Academy of Music (2007) in choral conducting class of People’s Artist of the USSR, Professor V.V.Rovdo, postgraduate studies there under the scientific supervision of PhD in Art History, Associate Professor A.A.Karpilova (2011)
Courses taught: Conducting, History of Belarusian choral music, Art of performing interpretation

Born on July 7, 1983 in Minsk.

Since 2008, he has been a teacher at the Choral Conducting Department of the Belarusian State Academy of Music (part-time). Since 2011, in the main job as a teacher, since 2013 – as a senior teacher, since 2016 – as an Associate Professor. Since 2013 – Dean of the Vocal Studies and Choral Conducting Faculty.

Since 2011, he has served as the executive secretary (deputy executive secretary) of the Admissions Committee of the Belarusian State Academy of Music. Provides training to students and Master’s degree students, conducts classes at the Professional Development and Staff Retraining Faculty of the Belarusian State Academy of Music.

Member of the Belarusian Union of Musical Workers (2015).

Teacher of the cycle commission “Conducting (academic choir)” of the Minsk State Music College named after M.I.Glinka (2007-2015). Artist of the choir of the Honored Collective of the Academic Choir of the Belteleradiocompany (2006-2011). In 2018, he interned at the St.Petersburg State Conservatory named after N.A.Rimsky-Korsakov (under the guidance of Head of the Choral Conducting Department, Professor V.Uspensky).

Member of the expert and artistic commission of the Special Fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for Support of the Talented Youth (2014–2019). Chairman and member of the jury of republican and international choir conducting competitions. Member of the organizing committee of the Easter and Lenten festivals, student scientific and practical conferences, a competition of choral conductors in memory of G.Shirma among students of the secondary specialized education institutions, the international competition of young vocalists named after F.I.Shalyapin, the Republican competition of choral conductors named after A.Zelenkova, Republican Open Vocal Competition named after S.Monyushko, International Conducting Competition named after V.Rovdo, etc.

Author and co-author of educational programs in the subjects “History of Belarusian choral music” (2015), “Practice of teaching special subjects” (2016), “Practice of working with an opera choir” (2016), “Practice of working with a folk choir” (2016), “Conducting” (2017), “Special pedagogical training” (2018), “Introductory practice” (2021), state exam programs “Conducting a concert program” (2018). One of the performers of the scientific topic “Scientific and methodological foundations of the system of continuous training of specialists in the field of conducting (Academic Choir)” in gymnasiums-colleges of arts and the education institution “Belarusian State Academy of Music” (2016).

Among his pupils:

  • laureate of the international competition M.Yanushkevich;
  • laureate of the republican competition V.A.Goiko;
  • laureate of international competitions, scholarship holder of the Special Fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for Support of the Talented Youth I.I.Kozich.

Author of reports at republican and international scientific and practical conferences on the history, theory and methodology of choral art; reviews of written works of students, Master’s degree students, educational programs.

Awarded with Gratitude from the Rector of the Belarusian State Academy of Music (2017, 2020), Certificate of the Belarusian State Academy of Music (2016), Certificate of Honor of the Belarusian State Academy of Music (2017).


Articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals and collections

  • Compositional and dramatic functions of choral scenes in the opera “The Wild Hunt of King Stakh” by V.Soltan / Yu.A.Karaev // Musical culture of Belarus in the world: scientific principles of the Belarusian State Academy of Music / Belarusian State Academy of Music; comp. O.V.Dadiomova. – Vol. 19. – Series 1. Belarusian musical culture. – Minsk, 2009.
  • The role of the choral principle in the dramaturgy of S.Cortes’ opera-parable “Giordano Bruno” / Yu.A.Karaev // Composer’s creativity of the 19th – 20th centuries: genres, styles, issues of interpretation: scientific works of the Belarusian State Academy of Music / Belarusian State Academy of Music; comp. and scientific ed. C.N.Doulova. – Vol. 21. – Series 6. Issues of modern musicology in the research of young scientists. – Minsk, 2009.
  • Compositional and dramatic functions of the choir in the operas of S.Cortes / Yu.A.Karaev // Attempted mastery of science, ethnology and folklore / Institute of mastery, ethnology and folklore named after K.Krapiva of the NAS of Belarus; scient. ed. A.I.Lakotka. – Vol. 8. – Minsk: Rights and Economics, 2010.
  • The role of choral scenes in the opera “The Hoary Legend” by D.Smolsky / Yu.A.Karaev // Attempted mastery of science, ethnicity and folklore / Institute of mastery, ethnicity and folklore named after K.Krapiva of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; scient. ed. A.I.Lakotka. – Vol. 6. – Minsk: Rights and Economics, 2009.
  • Methods of interaction between composer creativity and musical folklore in the vocal and choral scenes of the opera “New Land” by Yu.Semenyako / Yu.A.Karaev // News of the Institute of Contemporary Knowledge / Institute of Contemporary Knowledge named after A.Shirokov; ch. ed. A.L.Kapilov. – Vol. 4. – Minsk, 2019.
  • Compositional and dramatic features of choral scenes in the opera “Francysk Skaryna” by D.Smolsky / Yu.A.Karaev // News of the Belarusian Academy of Music. – Vol. 38. – Minsk, 2021.

Materials of scientific conferences

  • The role of choral scenes in the dramaturgy of the opera “Prince Novogradsky” A.Bondarenko / Yu.A.Karaev // Culture. Science. Creativity: materials of the II International scientific-practical conf., April 10–11, 2008 / scientific. ed. C.N.Doulova. – Minsk: Belarusian State Academy of Music, 2008.
  • Functions of choral scenes in modern Belarusian opera / Yu.A.Karaev // Culture and information supposition of the XXI capital: materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific-theoretical conf. young scholars, April 23–24, 2009 / Kharkiv State Academy of Culture; ch. ed. T.D.Bulakh. – Kharkiv: KhSAC, 2009.
  • The role of choral scenes in modern Russian opera / Yu.A.Karaev // III Masherov readings: materials of the republican scientific and practical conference of students, postgraduate students and young scientists, Vitebsk, March 24–25, 2009 / Vit. State University; Editorial Board: A.L.Gladkov [and others]. – Vitebsk: VSU named after P.M.Masherov, 2009.
  • The role of the choir in modern Belarusian opera: towards research methodology / Yu.A.Karaev // Communication strategies of art: materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference (Brest, April 16, 2010) / [editorial board: O.V.Finsler (responsible editor), etc.]. – Brest: Alternative, 2010.
  • The role of the choir in E.Glebov’s opera “The Master and Margarita” / Yu.A.Karaev // Current problems of world artistic culture: materials of the International. scientific conf., in memory of prof. U.D.Rosenfeld (Grodno, March 25–26, 2010). Part 1 / Grodno State University named after Ya.Kupala; editorial board : A.P.Bogusov [and others]. – Grodno: Grodno State University, 2011.
  • The main stages of the development of Belarusian opera of the twentieth century: the choral aspect / Yu.A.Karaev // Current problems of art: history, theory, methodology / International scient.-practical conf., Minsk, April 10–11, 2014 / Bel. State Ped. University named after Maxim Tank; editorial board: M.R.Barazna, U.A.Vasilevich, T.S.Bagdanava and others; resp. ed. Yu.Yu.Zakharyna. – Minsk: BSPU, 2014.
  • Choral scenes of Belarusian composers in the genre of “grand” opera of the last third of the 20th century: compositional and dramatic aspect / Yu.A.Karaev // Current problems of musical performing arts: History and modernity. Vol. 10: Materials of the Int. scientific-practical conf., Kazan, April 5, 2017 / Comp. V.I.Yakovlev; Kazan. State Conservatory – Kazan, 2018.
  • Methodological principles for studying the choral component of an operatic work (based on the material of modern Belarusian opera) / Yu.A.Karaev // Traditions and daily culture and art: collection of scient. art. Vol. 2 / Research Center of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; chief. ed. A.I.Lakotka. – Minsk: Rights and Economics, 2021.
  • Chamber opera “Taras on Parnassus” by N.Aladov: the implementation of folklore principles in the choral part / Yu.A.Karaev // WORLD SCIENCE: PROBLEMS AND INNOVATIONS: collection of articles of the LIV International Scientific and Practical Conference. – Penza: ICSC “Science and Enlightenment”. – 2021.

Articles in other scientific publications

  • Karaev, Yu.A. The History of Belarusian Opera Art and the Role of the Chorus in Operas by Belarusian Composers (History of the opera art of Belarus and the role of the choir in the operas of Belarusian composers) / Yu.A.Karaev // The International Choral Bulletin is the Official Journal of the IFCM. – 2010. – Volume XXIX, Number 4. – 4th Quarter.
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