Position: Rector, Associate Professor of the Musical Theory Department
Academic degree: PhD in Art History (1999)
Academic title: Associate Professor (2006)
Education: Belarusian State Academy of Music (1993), Postgraduate School under the guidance of N.Shimanski (1996)
Courses taught: Musical theory, Basics of musical acoustics, Scientific supervision of coursework, graduate works, Preparation of Master’s and Candidate’s dissertation research
She was born on September 30, 1968 in Chernyakhovsk, Russia.
Since 1997, she has been working in the Belarusian State Academy of Music at the Music Theory Department, since 2003 – as an Associate Professor. From 2007 until 2014, she leaded the Professional Development and Staff Retraining Faculty. From 2014 untill 2022, she worked as First Vice-Rector. Since 2022 – Rector of the Belarusian State Academy of Music.
The main spheres of scientific interests are history and methodology of musical science, mode-harmonic organization of music, issues of history and theory of musical acoustics, issues of modern music education.
Performed as scientific supervisor of development and carrying out scientific tasks within the frames of the Thematic plan of scientific research and developments aimed at scientific-technical ensuring of activities of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus:
Thesis for PhD in Art History: “Ways of development of Russian musical-theoretical science of the first third of XX century: Modal studies of B.Yarovsky and N.Garbuzov”. Scientific supervisor: PhD in Art History, Associate Professor N.Shimansky; Belarusian State Academy of Music (Minsk, 1999).
Materialistic trends in Russian musical science of the first half of the 20th century: B.Yavorsky’s teaching on modal rhythm // Questions of the methodology of modern musicology: Academic paper of the Belarusian State Academy of Music. Minsk, 1997. Edition # 5. P.37-58.
From the history of Russian musical science of the 20th century: The theory of polyphony by N.A.Garbuzov // Questions of musicology and philosophy of music: Collection of scientific articles of young researchers. Minsk, 1998. Edition 1. P.59-89.
Russian theoretical musicology // Introduction to musicology: Special course of lectures for students of the Musicology Department. Minsk, 1999. P.21-25.
From the history of Russian musical theoretical science of the Soviet period: the 20s // News of the Belarusian State Academy of Music. No. 1. P.72-77.
The problem of structure in the modal teachings of B.Yavorsky and N.Garbuzov // Theoretical musicology at the turn of the centuries: Collection of scientific articles, Minsk, 2002. P.42-54.
Musical system: the view of a European researcher “from the West” and “from the East” // Musical culture of Belarus: prospects and succession: Materials of the XIV Scientific Readings in Memory of L.S.Mukharinskaya (Minsk, 11-12 March 2005). Minsk, 2005. P.155-161.
On some properties of the New Sound of the Newest Music // Musical culture of Belarus and the World: to100 Anniversary of L.S.Mukharinskaya. Materials of the XV International Scientific Readings in Memory of L.S.Mukharinskaya (1906-1987) / Yakimenka T.S.; Skills of the Belarusian State Academy of Music. Edition 12. Topic 1, Belarusian musical culture. Minsk, 2006. P.355-366.
“Musical acoustics” in a modern institution: at the intersection of science and artistic practice // Culture. Science. Creativity: Collection of scientific articles / scientific editor C.Doulova. Minsk, 2008. P.710–716.
“Mathematical system”: Problems and prospects for studying // Culture. Science. Creativity: Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, April 19–20, 2007. Minsk, 2008. P.75-76.
Additional education of adults in the system of academic musical art of Belarus // Culture of Belarus: realities of today: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (Minsk, 12-13 March 2012). Minsk, 2012. P.253-259.
The system of continuous music education as a problem of scientific research (on the example of training specialists in the specialty “Conducting (academic choir)”) // News of the Belarusian State Academy of Music. No. 33. P.12-17 (jointly with Yu.A.Karaev and others).