Social and Humanitarian Department


There are 18 teachers at the Department including one Professor, three Associate Professors, tree PhDs of Sciences (Philosophical, Philological, Culture).

The aims of the Department are upbringing of highly educated personality of musician in the sphere of humanistic ideals, spiritual and moral traditions of Belarusian people, broadening of cultural and aesthetic worldview of student youth, formation of unite worldview of true resident of the Republic of Belarus, a person who has communicative skills and traditional system of values in modern society.

The Department is academically-united. It unites teachers from different spheres of knowledge – Philosophy, Politics, History, Social Studies, Aesthetics, Culture Studies, Philology, Physical Culture. Taking into account the specifics of a art university, teachers of the Department conduct classes for all students and undergraduates of the Academy, for students of the Preparatory Department and the Professional Development and Staff Retraining Department.

The Social and Humanitarian Department carries out organizational, methodological and educational work to introduce into the educational process the developed and approved curricula prepared by the educational complex for students of the Academy of Music.

Following types of scientific and educational-methodological work were actualized:

  • all teachers take part in scientific-methodological seminars;
  • Department scientific-methodological seminar aimed at improving quality of teaching social and humanitarian disciplines is held annually;
  • development of the educational complex of specialized modules;
  • materials (computer tests) for knowledge control of students were developed;
  • constant monitoring of the quality of teaching disciplines of the social and humanitarian cycle and diagnosing the social and personal competencies of students has been organized.


Advanced training is carried out at advanced training courses at the National Institution of Higher Education (Minsk).


Disciplines assigned to the department of social and humanitarian disciplines: History (integrated module), Political Science (integrated module), Philosophy (integrated module), Economics (integrated module), Political Thought of Belarus, Foreign and Domestic Policy of the Belarusian State, Management in the Sphere of Culture, Psychology of artistic creativity, Culture: languages of art, Fundamentals of modern natural science, Aesthetics, Fundamentals of musical informatics, Fundamentals of information technology (master’s degree), Philosophy and methodology of science (master’s degree), Life Safety (Human Life Safety), The Great Patriotic War (in the context of the Second World War ), Fundamentals of intellectual property management, Philosophy of music, Belarusian language (professional vocabulary), Foreign language (English, German, Italian, Russian as a foreign language), Physical education, Prevention of occupational diseases of a musician, History of art, History of art of Belarus, History of world literature , Modern trends in the management activities of musicians (Master’s degree), Foreign language in the field of professional communication (Master’s degree)

Educational work

In their work teachers of the Department use various forms of educational work with their students: individual communication and consultations, placing the information and participation in thematic events, dedicated to state holidays, in events that are systematically held in the Academy.

An important direction of the department’s work is to involve Academy students in research work: holding, together with the student scientific and creative society, a scientific and practical seminar “Philosophy of Music: from Antiquity to Romanticism” (2022). In 2022, a student philosophical and aesthetic circle “Gnosis” was created, one of the tasks of which is the synthesis of humanitarian knowledge and concert practice, musical and educational work in the museum space of Minsk, the acquisition of public speaking skills and the expansion of the cognitive field in the field of ontology of musical art .

Physical education plays a special role in organizing the educational process of the department, which actively influences the physical development of future musicians and preserves their health. Among the activities: organizing the work of recreational groups for sports interests: chess, table tennis, volleyball, athletic gymnastics, general physical training (fitness); holding competitions according to the program of the year-round sports competitions of the academy: chess, table tennis, mini-football, volleyball, basketball; holding academy championships in dance aerobics. conducting weekend hikes to cultural and historical places; conducting lectures, conversations, consultations on a healthy lifestyle, disease prevention; participation of the academy team in the Republican event “Sport and Olympism”; at a sports festival dedicated to Victory Day; in events within the framework of the republican action “Week of Sports and Health”; participation in socially useful events at the state level; participation in the volunteer movement.

 Scientific work of the Department is reflected in monographs , articles and theses of the teachers. In 2021-2022 the Department held scientific-practical seminars and conferences on the topics: “Ideas of patriotism in History and Philosophy”, scientific-practical conference on the topic “Topos “game” in culture and philosophy”, Literature Christmas readings (National historic museum of the Republic of Belarus “Living room of Vladislav Golubok”).

The Philosophy Department exists since the founding of the Academy (1932). From Marxism-Leninism Department it was transformed  into the Social Sciences Department and then into the Philosophy Department (1991). Changing of the name of the Department reflected those changes in its contest of teaching of social and humanitarian disciplines that were brought by the time: continuing expansion of worldview frames of the humanitarian cycle, breaking free from  ideological interpretation of the history of human culture.

On June 29, 2011 by the decision of the council of the Academy of Music on the base of the Philosophy Department was formed the Social and Humanitarian Department. Since January 1, 2018 the Language Department and the Physical Education joined the Social and Humanitarian Department. Formation of own staff of teachers began since the 60th when the Department was headed by PhD of Philosophy Sciences, Associate Professor A.Sankov. From 1974 till 1991 the Department was headed by PhD of Philosophy Sciences, Associate Professor A.Ladygina. From 1991 till 2010 the Department was headed by PhD of Philosophy Sciences, Associate Professor A.Roshchupkin. Since 2010 till August 2021 the Department was headed by PhD of Philosophy Sciences, Associate Professor A.Ladutko.

Many forces and energy were given by Associate Professors – M.Gurovich and G.Zaitseva, PhD of Economic Sciences N.Bolshakov, PhD of Philosophical Sciences E.Nedvedskaya, senior teacher R.Mironchikova, PhD of Philosophic Sciences G.Dragovets, senior teacher N.Stepantsova.


Aesthetic and culture: problems of theory and practice: collection of scientific articles; A.Roshchupkin. – Minsk.: 2001.

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