Department of Ideological and Educational Work

Socio-pedagogical and psychological service

It is a system of practical use of the achievements of psychology and social pedagogy to optimize the educational process and develop the personality of students. Its activities are guided by international instruments in the field of protection of children’s rights, the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, the Regulations on the Social, Pedagogical and Psychological Service of the Academy, and current and future work plans.

The purpose of the SPPS activity is to assist in creating conditions for full-fledged personal development, positive socialization, professional development and life self-determination of students in the Academy, family and social environment. The main tasks are: organizing timely comprehensive personal-oriented socio-pedagogical, psychological and legal assistance to students, faculty and staff, as well as those students who have problems in communication, training, socialization or are in a socially dangerous situation; assisting in the formation of an emotionally favorable atmosphere in the student community and its social environment; preventing family problems, social orphanhood, violence against children and preventing antisocial behavior, neglect, student delinquency, promotion of a healthy lifestyle; improving the psychological, pedagogical and legal culture of all participants of the educational process, activating and strengthening the pedagogical potential of the social environment.



Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics — studying the interests, values, inclinations and abilities of students; diagnosing personal qualities, emotional state, mental processes; studying interpersonal relationships, assessing the socio-psychological climate and atmosphere in groups and teams, etc.; monitoring studies of the effectiveness of the educational process.

Organizational and methodological work — studying and summarizing the experience of socio-pedagogical and psychological work; participation in the work of methodological associations, seminars, conferences; methodological support for organizing the activities of the SPPS; developing methodological materials on the development, upbringing, training and socialization of students, family problems, and child protection.

Psychological and pedagogical education and prevention — helping to improve the level of psychological and pedagogical culture; promoting a healthy lifestyle; preventing the facts of asocial behavior; organizing preventive work.

Social protection and guardianship of students — identifying and supporting students in need of social protection, guardianship and trusteeship; protecting rights and interests in various instances.

Advisory activities — individual and group consultations on current personal needs, interpersonal relationships, social interaction, conflict situations, stress and depression, emotional stress, self-attitude, etc.

Training work — promoting the personal growth of students; developing the communicative and leadership qualities of students; developing readiness for marriage; developing mental self-regulation skills.


Emergency psychological assistance is carried out through a telephone hotline by highly qualified specialists in the field of psychology and psychotherapy.


+375 17 352-44-44 twenty-four-seven

+375 17 304-43-70 twenty-four-seven Psychotherapeutic office on the basis of the Healthcare Institution “33rd City Student Polyclinic”

+375 17 378-29-19 HIV/AIDS Hotline for young people

+375 17 200-28-83 Hotline for addiction problems (gambling, alcohol, drugs, food, etc.)

+375 17 271-04-22 Crisis information line for victims of domestic violence (psychological, social, informational and legal assistance)

+375 17 317 32 32 twenty-four-seven

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