Department of pedagogy and psychology (that’s how the department was initially called) was founded in Belarusian State Conservatory in March 1978. Till it was headed by Candidate of Psychological Sciences, associate professor S.Benediktov. The department included violinist I.Vedenin, choir conductor V.Gulyaev, pianist R.Novakova, accordionist E.Skurarova and musicologist M.Starcheus.
This department was first of its kind among all Music Institutions in USSR. The main aim of the department was to upgrade pedagogical training of conservatory students not only theoretical but also in practical aspects. With this aim classes of pedagogy, psychology, methodology were intensified, also there was arranged a seminar for professor-teachers’ team dedicated to the issues of pedagogy and psychology, there was renewed the work of pedagogical practice section. One of the most important direction was enrichment of pedagogic disciplines of musical themes and development of the basic of methods of teaching for all specialties.
In 1983-1984 pedagogic team of the department was renewed and extended, which lead to enforcement of scientific and pedagogical potential of the department. This team joined pianists E.Arkhemchik and L.Zhukova, candidate of pedagogic science K.Bulygo and also candidates of History of Arts, professors pianist V.Kokushkin and musicologist K.Stepantsevich. In 1990s the team joined pianist E.Pilipenko, candidate of pedagogic sciences A.Samusenko, the first postgraduate students E.Metelskaya and V.Ivashko.
In 1988 the department was headed by vice-rector for scientific work, candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor V.Yakonyuk. He continued traditions of the department: paid special attention to the reformation of educational process, improvement of the scientific work and training of new personnel. During his leadership there were changes in educational plan, new programs in many disciplines, academic degrees, MA classes for performing specialties and postgraduate studies for the department of musical pedagogy in two specialties: “Theory and methods of professional education” (13.00.08) and “Musical Art” (17.00.02). Gradually the issue was sold: the training for not only professional musicians who could do teachers job but also for teachers-musicians who could have professional and performing skills as well as motivation of individual work with students. Practical embodiment of this task in Belarusian State Academy of Music demanded not only organization but also contest transformations in educational process. The main system-forming factor was introducing State special pedagogy training exam in 1991.
Cardinal changes set significant rise to contest of educational courses of pedagogic cycle which was referred to compulsory subjects of bachelor and master degree (1995). Almost all practical courses were changed, eg: history of performing art, pedagogy, psychology, methods of teaching musical disciplines.
From 1998 till 2005 the head of the department was V.Kokushin whose aim was to save and develop achievements of last years. Under his leadership there were renewed exam requirements and improved scientific supervision, pedagogic practice.
From 2005 till 2020 the department was headed by doctor of pedagogic sciences, professor V.Yakonyuk. The main direction of department activities is scientific and methodological work. It was conducted within requirements of time and taking specialty and scientific interests into consideration. New courses were introduced in educational process: musical pedagogy and musical psychology, history of piano pedagogy, basics of piano transcriptions and improvisation, art styles in piano performance, correction pedagogy, music therapy, cycle of subjects in “Organ” specialty, basics of performance interpretation music theory etc.
In January 1st 2021 the department was headed by I.Onoshko – candidate of the History of Arts, associate professor. Members of the department take part in international conferences, supervises students’ works for international and republican competitions, read lectures on the Faculty of advanced training and retraining, publish articles and monographs, methodological and educational manuals, take part in work of jury at competitions, perform at concerts etc. Since 2005 the department annually arranges student conference “Musical pedagogy, psychology and performing art from the students’ view”. In April 2022 department conducted first open competition “Levels of mastery”.
Development of special pedagogic training and formation of basics of musical didactics is connected to the department activities in the sphere of development of educational standards, necessity of work on which was due to European tendencies of development of the highest education and enforcement of tendencies of diversification of education.
One of the most important directions in department activities became development of tasks for State scientific program “Culture”. Within the frames of this program there was made a concept of development of highest musical education in the sphere of Art, in which methodological approaches are outlined, methodological recommendations to the formation of process of development of musical-performing and musical-pedagogic schools are justified. In 2017 the work on scientific-methodological project from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus was finished. Task: “To develop scientific-methodological basis, educational standard and educational program documentation of the highest education program of the 2nd level with in-depth training of specialists with MA degree in the sphere of musical-performing art” (scientific supervisor – candidate of the History of Arts, associate professor I.Onoshko). In 2021 – “To develop scientific-methodological approaches to analysis of activities of secondary special education institutions in the sphere of culture in the Republic of Belarus. To make recommendations to distinguishing effectiveness of activities of secondary special educational institutions in the sphere of culture” (scientific supervisor – candidate of the History of Arts. associate professor I.Onoshko).
Department of Music Pedagogy, History and Theory of Performing Art is a high qualified team called and capable of solving the most difficult tasks of upbringing the teacher-musician to the level of all modern requirements.