Piano Accompanist Mastery Department


  • January 16, 2023, Russian Federation, Petrozavodsk. Elena Chekir– senior teacher of the Department of Piano Accompanist Mastery, postgraduate student (supervisor: Lyudmila Volkova, PhD of Art History, Associate Professor) at the International Research Competition “SCIENTIFIC IMPULSE – 2023” was awarded a 1st degree diploma in the nomination Art History for the research work “Dialogical Aspects in artistic communication in chamber vocal compositions.”
  • From 04/20/2022 to 05/21/2022 in Minsk, Republic of Belarus, the I Republican Open Festival-Competition of Piano Music “Musical World” was held. Grin Ekaterina, a 4th year student of the Piano and Composition-Musicology Faculty, became the owner of a 1st degree laureate diploma in the “Piano Accompanist Mastery” nomination. Class of the Head of the Department, Associate Professor O.Beltyukova.
  • On February 25, 2022, the Open Cathedral Competition named after E.Tyrmand was held in the Great Hall of Belarusian State Academy of Music. In group “A” (I-III years) the winners of the competition were: 1st place Kristina Gritskova (class of senior teacher S.Khodko); 2nd place Ksenia Bastova (class of senior teacher S.Khodko), Sarah Stepanyan (class of Associate Professor T.Kim); 3rd place Sezik Daria (class of senior teacher O.Makeeva), Serdechny Pavel (class of the Head of the Department, Associate Professor O.Beltyukova); Diploma for the best performance of an aria by a composer of the 17th – early 19th centuries – Daria Sezik (class of senior teacher O.Makeeva), Diploma for the best performance of a work by a Belarusian composer – Angelina Kushner (class of senior teacher O.Makeeva). In group “B” (IV-V years) the winners of the competition were: 1st place Ksenia Khotyleva (class of senior teacher E.Butko); 2nd place Elena Kuzmich (class of the Head of the Department, Associate Professor O.Beltyukova), Ekaterina Grin (class of the Head of the Department, Associate Professor O.Beltyukova); 3rd place Veronika Kunichkina (class of senior teacher O.Makeeva), Alena Omelusik (class of Associate Professor E.Alekseeva); Diploma for the best performance of an aria by a composer of the 17th – early 19th centuries – Alexander Chirov (class of Associate Professor E.Alekseeva), Diploma for the best performance of a work by a Belarusian composer – Elena Kuzmich (class of the Head of the Department, Associate Professor O.Beltyukova).
  • From December 23, 2021 to January 14, 2022, the I Republican Open Festival-Competition of Piano Music “Musical World” was held in Minsk, Republic of Belarus. In the nomination “Piano Accompanist Mastery” the winners were: 1st degree laureates: Ksenia Bastova (1st year, class of senior teacher S.Khodko), Veronika Kunichkina (5th year, class of senior teacher O.Makeeva), Olga Medvedeva (5th year , class of senior teacher N.Korotina); laureates of the 2nd degree: Klemez Anna (2nd year, class of the Head of the Department, Associate Professor O.Beltyukova), Stets Daria (5th year, class of the Head of the Department, Associate Professor O.Beltyukova).
  • On June 14, 2021, the International Competition “INTERNATIONAL KING COMPETITION” was held in Vaduz (Principality of Liechtenstein). Jian Lingyu, a 1st year student of the Piano and Composition-Musicology Department, won a 1st degree laureate diploma in the “Piano Accompanist” category. Class of the senior teacher of the Piano Accompanist Mastery Department N.Korotina.
  • On June 6, 2021, the International Competition “INTERNATIONAL FOLKLORE COMPETITION IN PARIS” was held in Paris (France). Olga Medvedeva, a 4th year student of the Piano and Composition-Musicology Faculty, won a 1st degree laureate diploma in the “Piano Accompanist” category. Class of the senior teacher of the Piano Accompanist Mastery Department N.Korotina.
  • On June 3, 2021, the International Competition “VILNIUS INTERNATIONAL FOLKLORE COMPETITION” was held in Vilnius (Lithuania). Olga Medvedeva, a 4th year student of the Piano and Composition-Musicology Faculty, won a 1st degree laureate diploma in the “Piano Accompanist” category. Class of the senior teacher of the Piano Accompanist Mastery Department N.Korotina.
  • On May 24, 2021, the International Competition “LATVIA FLAVOURS” was held in Riga (Latvia). Olga Medvedeva, a 4th year student of the Piano and Composition-Musicology Faculty, won the Grand Prix diploma in the category “Piano Accompanist”. Class of the senior teacher of the Piano Accompanist Mastery Department N.Korotina
  • On May 3, 2021, the International Competition “STAR OF THE ROME” was held in Rome (Italy). King Henry, a 3rd year student of the Piano and Composition-Musicology Faculty, won a 2nd degree laureate diploma in the “Piano Accompanist” category. Class of the senior teacher of the Piano Accompanist Mastery N.Korotina.
  • On April 24, 2021, the International Competition “SPAIN STAR PRODUCTION” was held in Madrid (Spain). Olga Medvedeva, a 4th year student of the Piano and Composition-Musicology Faculty, won the 1st prize laureate diploma in the “Piano Accompanist” category. Class of the senior teacher of the Piano Accompanist Mastery N.Korotina.
  • On May 14, 2021, the International Competition “CYPRUS STAR MEDIA” was held in Nicosia, Republic of Cyprus. Olga Medvedeva, a 4th year student of the Piano and Composition-Musicology Faculty, won the 1st prize laureate diploma in the “Piano Accompanist” category. Class of the senior teacher of the Piano Accompanist Mastery N.Korotina.
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