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International Research and Practice Conference “Belarusian and World Musical Theatre: Past, Present, Prospects” /dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Bolshoi Theater of Belarus and the 110th anniversary of A.V.Bogatyrev’s birth/


International Research and Practice Conference
“Belarusian and World Musical Theatre: Past, Present, Prospects”
 /dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Bolshoi Theater of Belarus and the 110th anniversary of A.V.Bogatyrev’s birth/

 November 21-24, 2023


 From November 21 to 24, 2023, the Belarusian State Academy of Music will hold the International Research and Practice Conference “Belarusian and World Musical Theater: Past, Present, Prospects (dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Bolshoi Theater of Belarus and the 110th anniversary of A.V.Bogatyrev’s birth)”.

The Conference will include research sessions, a round table, lectures by leading researchers, master classes by cultural and art professionals, and presentations of new publications.

The main thematic areas of the Conference:

  • V.Bogatyrev’s musical and theatrical heritage in past and present;
  • Belarusian musical theater in the context of European and world musical art problems;
  • issues of history, theory and staging practice of the Belarusian and world musical theater;
  • present and future of musical theater in its genre variety;
  • musical and theatrical text: libretto, dramaturgy, director’s concept, etc.;
  • musical and theatrical criticism at the present stage.

Specialists in the field of musical art, teachers, researchers, postdoctoral students, postgraduate students are invited to participate in the Conference.

The following forms of participation are envisaged:

  • full-time;
  • remote (via online broadcast);
  • correspondence (poster presentation or broadcast of a video recording provided by the participant in advance by e-mail).

Applications for participation in the Conference must be sent before November 1, 2023 to the email address minsk.conference1@gmail.com

Time limit on speeches:

report at the plenary session – up to 20 minutes,
report at the break-out session – up to 15 minutes,
message at the round table – up to 15 minutes;
presentation of publications – up to 10 minutes.

The texts of poster presentations and videos of remote presentations must be sent to the email address minsk.conference1@gmail.com no later than November 1 (along with the application for participation).

Conference languages – Russian, Belarusian, English.

As a result of the conference, it is planned to publish research articles. A research article of 14,000–20,000 characters must contain a brief abstract in the language of the article, a resume in English, keywords, and a list of cited references. The text of a research article is drawn up in accordance with the requirements posted on the website https://bgam.by/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Trebovaniya-Vesty1.pdf

Articles that have not been published before are accepted for publication.

Texts of articles are accepted by the email address minsk.conference1@gmail.com until January 15, 2024.

Each article is accompanied by a review and an extract from the minutes of the Department meeting (Research Department, Cycle Commission) with the recommendation of the article publication.

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to select articles for publication and edit them. The Organizing Committee has the right to reject articles that do not correspond to the Conference theme and current requirements for research publications. All submitted materials are checked for uniqueness by the Program “Antiplagiat” through the database “Universitetskaya biblioteka”.

For organizational issues, please contact:
Nelli Matsaberidze, Vice-Rector for Research: phone (+375 17) 360 11 03; prorector_nr@bgam.by;
Liliya Barankevich, Head of the Research Department: phone (+375 17) 342 97 96; nio@bgam.by;
Expenses for travel, accommodation and meals are covered by the sending Party or by the participant himself.


November 1                the last day for submitting applications, providing video files of speeches and texts of poster presentations
November 17               day of distribution of the event program
November 21-24         event
January 15, 2024       the last day for accepting the texts of research articles for publication (with the attachment of the necessary documents in electronic format).

Application for participation
in the International Research and Practice Conference
“Belarusian and World Musical Theater: Past, Present, Prospects
(dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Bolshoi Theater of Belarus and the 110th anniversary of A.V.Bogatyrev’s birth)”

Surname, name, patronymic, position, place of work or study, academic degree, academic title of the speaker  
Theme of the report / message at the round table / presentation of the publication, video, and audio materials  
Theme of the report (in accordance with the theme indicated in the information sheet)  
Forms of participation:

• full-time

• remote (online)

• correspondence (video recording of the report)

• correspondence (poster presentation)

Abstract in the report language (up to 150 words)  
Contacts: phone, email address  
For postgraduate students (postdoctoral students) – information about the Supervisor (Research Advisor): last name, first name, patronymic, place of work, position, academic degree, academic title  
Additional information (required technical means, other)  
For issuing a personal invitation

(if necessary)

Last name, first name, patronymic of the Organization Head, his/her position, academic degree, academic title  
Organization postal address, phone/fax, e-mail  

Application for participation