Foreign students

Tuition fee

TUITION FEE as of September 1, 2023

Preparatory Department 1 year 5 150 USD
Higher education 4-5 years 6 850 – 7250 USD
(in accordance with a speciality)
Graduate School 1 year 7 550 USD
Postgraduate School up to 5 years 7 150 USD

Tuition is paid twice a year in the amount of 50% of the annual tuition fee.
Foreign citizens pay all expenses for health insurance on their own.

Specialities of general Higher education
(Bachelor’s degree program), providing
the degree of “Bachelor” and the qualification of a Higher education professional

Speciality Code

Speciality Name

Year 2023

6-05-0215-03 “Choreographic Art” 7200 USD
6-05-0215-05 “Theatre Direction” 7650 USD

Specialities of special Higher education
(continuing educational program of Higher education),
providing the degree of “Master” and the qualification of a specialist

7-07-0215-01 “Musicology” 7400 USD
7-07-0215-02 “Composition” 7300 USD
7-07-0215-03 “Conducting” 7000 USD
7-07-0215-04 «Musical and Instrumental Art (indicating the musical instrument)”  
7-07-0215-04 “Musical and Instrumental Art (Piano)” 7500 USD
7-07-0215-04 “Musical and Instrumental Art (Violin)” 7400 USD
7-07-0215-04 “Musical and Instrumental Art (Viola)” 7300 USD
7-07-0215-04 “Musical and Instrumental Art (Cello)” 7300 USD
7-07-0215-04 “Musical and Instrumental Art (Double Bass)” 7300 USD
7-07-0215-04 “Musical and Instrumental Art (Harp)” 7200 USD
7-07-0215-04 “Musical and Instrumental Art (Wind Instruments)” 7300 USD
7-07-0215-04 “Musical and Instrumental Art (Percussion Instruments)” 7300 USD
7-07-0215-04 “Musical and Instrumental Art (Plucked String Percussion Folk Instruments)” 7400 USD
7-07-0215-04 “Musical and Instrumental Art (Bayan, Accordion)” 7400 USD
7-07-0215-05 “Vocal Art” 7400 USD

Speciality of advanced Higher education
(Master’s degree program),
providing the degree of “Master”

7-06-0215-02 “Musical Art” /without the cycle “Additional Training Types” 7 550 USD
7-06-0215-02 “Musical Art” /with the cycle “Additional Training Types” 8 550 USD