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Joint international Sientific Conference of the Academy of Music and institutions of the CIS countries



The Role of Soviet Musical Figures
in the Formation of National Composer
and Performing Schools of the CIS Countries
International Research Conference
November 2-3, 2023 (Moscow)

 Dear Colleagues!

We invite you to take part in the International Research Conference “The Role of Soviet Musical Figures in the Formation of National Composer and Performing Schools of the CIS Countries”, which will be held at the State Institute for Art Studies on November 2–3, 2023.
The history of professional musical education, the formation of composer and performing schools in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States is closely connected with the Soviet period. At first, many Republics of the USSR did not have their own conservatories, and gifted young men and women came to study in Moscow, Leningrad, Saratov and other cities. At the same time, many experienced composers and teachers from the capital’s universities worked in the national Republics for decades, and some stayed there forever. Thanks to their selfless activity, the cultural ties between our countries are preserved to this day.
The purpose of the Conference is to evaluate the contribution of Soviet musical figures to the development of culture in general and the formation of national composer and performing schools in the CIS countries.
In Soviet times, much attention was paid to the study of the music of the national Republics, which was written about in the articles and monographs by the largest musicologists – I.M.Vyzgo-Ivanova, L.V.Karagicheva-Bretanitskaya, U.R.Dzhumakova, T.S.Vyzgo, F.A.Abukova, V.R.Dulat-Aleev, L.S.Mukharinskaya and many others. The seven-volume edition “History of the Music of the USSR Peoples” (1970–1997) was published, the beginning of which was laid by Yu.V.Keldysh, and continued by V.A.Vasina-Grossman, M.D.Sabinina, I.V.Nestiev, G.L.Golovinsky, outstanding musicologists who worked at the State Institute for Art Studies.
The historical distance pushes us to further research of the national musical and cultural heritage of the CIS countries from a variety of perspectives.

The main areas of the Conference:

  • History of the formation of national composer and performing schools of the CIS countries
  • Preservation of the national musical heritage (study and publication of unknown documents, creation of written and audio archives)
  • Contribution of Soviet musicians to the development of national professional schools (composing, performing, musicology, pedagogy)
  • Musical folk art of the CIS countries: history of study in the Soviet and post-Soviet times and the current state
  • Creative biographies of outstanding masters of professional academic art and bearers of folk musical traditions of the CIS countries
  • History of the formation of professional music education in the CIS countries: traditions and innovations

Format of the Conference sessions: in-person and distance.

Applications for participation are accepted until September 30, 2023.

Time limit for reports – 20 min.
The Conference provides the opportunity to demonstrate video and audio illustrations.

Conference coordinators:
Galima Uralovna Lukina, Doctor of Arts, Deputy Director for Research at the State Institute for Art Studies
Zilya Agzamovna Imamutdinova, PhD in Art History, Senior Researcher of the Music Theory Department at the State Institute for Art Studies
Contact addresses: lukina@sias.ru, zilimam@sias.ru
Please, send applications to two addresses at the same time.

A personal invitation to the Conference will be sent upon request.
Organization fee is not charged.
Travel and accommodation of participants are paid by the Sending Party.


Application for participation

Last name_____________________________________________________
First name, patronymic____________________________________________
Academic degree, title_____________________________________________
Place of work (study), position____________________________________
Subject of the report______________________________________________
Abstract (up to 1000 characters)  _________________________________
Form of participation (offline/online/poster presentation) ________

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject applications that do not correspond to the subject of the Conference.

Please, follow the information about the Conference program on the website of the State Institute for Art Studies (http://sias.ru/research/events/)


As a result of the Conference, it is planned to publish articles in Russian with placement in the eLibrary database. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to select materials for publication in accordance with the basic requirements. The collection is assigned ISBN, library codes (UDC, LBC), each article will receive an individual DOI.

Articles must be submitted by October 20, 2023 to the e-mail addresses: lukina@sias.ru, zilimam@sias.ru

Requirements for the design of materials:

  • article size – from 20 000 to 25 000 characters without spaces;
  • text editor – Microsoft Word;
  • font – Times New Roman; size – 14 pt;
  • interval – 1.5;
  • paragraph indention – 1.25 cm, footnotes (including references to literature and notes), reference size – 10 pt.

The article must contain:

  • full name of the author (in Russian, English);
  • academic degree, title, position and place of work (Russian, English), phone, e-mail;
  • title of the article (located in the center).
  • abstract (in Russian, English) – a brief description (in 2–3 sentences) of a scientific article in terms of its purpose, content, type and other features;
  • keywords in Russian and English (in the amount of 5–7).

The file name must contain the first and last name of the author.