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In the Yanka Kupala State Literary Museum, as part of the cultural and educational project “Music in the Museum”, a concert of classical music “Grace, music….”


On September 19, in the Yanka Kupala State Literary Museum, as part of the cultural and educational project “Music in the Museum”, a concert of classical music “Grace, music….”
dedicated to National Unity Day was held.
As part of the concert, the audience was able to get acquainted with the exhibition “Beznazoynae” from the museum’s stock collections.

The concert program featured piano and vocal works by Belarusian and Russian composers.
The concert was attended by students of the class of Professor of the Piano Department of the Belarusian State Academy of Music N.V.Sazanovich:
Nicole Adamenko, Tatyana Markevich, Elizaveta Borovik, Maria Yukhnel, Daria Zakharenkova, Elizaveta Peganova, Egor Kuzero, Ksenia Yudo, Victoria Tatur.