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On June 10, a delegation of the Harbin Conservatory consisting of Rector, Professor Yang Yandi, head of the scientific library, Professor Gu Weiquan and Professor Zhao Xiaohong visited the Belarusian State Academy of Music


On June 10, a delegation of the Harbin Conservatory consisting of Rector, Professor Yang Yandi, head of the scientific library, Professor Gu Wei Quan and Professor Zhao Xiaosong visited the Belarusian State Academy of Music. During the visit, a meeting was held with the Rector of the Academy, E.V.Kurakina, at which the main forms of cooperation in scientific, educational and creative fields were discussed, and an agreement on bilateral cooperation was signed.

A tour of the academic buildings of the Academy was organized for the Chinese guests, during which they were able to attend training sessions, listen to the performance of vocal and instrumental concert numbers, as well as get acquainted with rare musical instruments in the organ hall. Representatives of the Harbin Conservatory also visited the library and got acquainted with the exhibits specially prepared for the visit of the Chinese delegation.