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Information and educational project “Open Knowledge”


Every month, the city information and educational project “Open Knowledge” is held in the Stolitsa shopping center.

The main topic of discussion today is elections and their importance.

Elena, an activist from the primary organization of the Belarusian State Academy of Music of the Central District of Belaya Rus, asked her question ?

– We live in the age of rapidly developing digital technologies, in this regard, I would like to ask the following question: will electronic voting be used in the 2025 presidential elections in the Republic of Belarus and how safe is it?

Lydia Yermoshina’s answer: it is difficult to say at the moment, if technological capabilities allow this process to be carried out competently, then there will be electronic voting in the future, not in 2025, since there are a lot of points due to which it is not possible to use such an alternative voting option.