Foreign students

Higher education

Address: 220013, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, 22 Petrusya Brovki St.
Telephone: (+37517) 324-49-42 (Rector’s Office)
(+37517) 319-59-60 (Admissions Office)
(+37517) 343-21-97 (Admissions Office)
Fax: (+37517) 282-55-01
Website: (official website of the Academy)

The conditions for admission of foreign applicants for full-time form of general higher education and special higher education (hereinafter referred to as higher education) to the education institution “Belarusian State Academy of Music” (hereinafter referred to as the Academy) are determined by the Rules for Admission of Persons for Obtaining General Higher and Special Higher Education , approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated January 27, 2022 No. 23 (hereinafter referred to as the Admission Rules), resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus: dated August 9, 2022 No. 518 “On the implementation of the Law of the Republic of Belarus”, dated January 14, 2022, No. 154-Z “On Amending the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Education”, dated August 31, 2022 No. 570 “On Amending Resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus” and dated August 31, 2022 No. 572 “On Issues of Implementing Educational Programs”, by the Decree of the Ministry Education of the Republic of Belarus dated August 10, 2022 No. 245 “On entrance examinations for admission to higher education institutions”.

The deadlines for accepting documents are determined in accordance with paragraph 15 of the Rules for Admission and are established by the Ministry of Education.

Foreign applicants submit the following documents to the admission committee of the Academy:

  • a filled-in application addressed to the rector of the Academy according to the form established by the Ministry of Education;
  • a copy of an identity document duly certified;
  • originals of the document on education indicating the studied disciplines and their volume, the marks (points) received on them, issued in a foreign state, and a certificate of recognition of the document on education issued in a foreign state, and establishing its equivalence (correspondence) to the document on education of the Republic of Belarus, confirming that the person has received an education equivalent to education in the Republic of Belarus, duly certified;
  • medical certificate issued in the territorial healthcare organizations, determined by the Academy in agreement with the committee (main departments) for healthcare of the Minsk City Executive Committee (regional executive committees), after mandatory medical examination confirming the absence of medical contraindications to study in the Republic of Belarus;
  • negative HIV–test certificate, issued by the official health authority of the country from which the foreign citizen arrived, or the Republic of Belarus;
  • a document confirming the completion of the educational program content for preparing individuals for admission to the Academy (when successful);
  • 4 photographs 3 x 4 cm.



Specialty of general higher education, providing the degree of “Bachelor” and the qualification of a specialist with higher education

Duration – 4 years

Specialty code Specialty Name Degree Name Qualification Name
6-05-0215-03 Choreographic art Bachelor Artist.Choreographer. Teacher
Specialties of special higher education, providing the degree of “Master” and the qualification of a specialist

Duration – 5 years

7-07-0215-01 Musicology Master Musicologist. Teacher
7-07-0215-02 Composition Master Composer. Teacher
7-07-0215-03 Conducting Master Conductor. Teacher
7-07-0215-04 Musical and instrumental art (piano) Master Instrumental artist. Teacher
7-07-0215-04 Musical and instrumental art (violin) Master Instrumental artist. Teacher
7-07-0215-04 Musical and instrumental art (viola) Master Instrumental artist. Teacher
7-07-0215-04 Musical and instrumental art (cello) Master Instrumental artist. Teacher
7-07-0215-04 Musical and instrumental art (double bass) Master Instrumental artist. Teacher
7-07-0215-04 Musical and instrumental art (harp) Master Instrumental artist. Teacher
7-07-0215-04 Musical and instrumental art (flute) Master Instrumental artist. Teacher
7-07-0215-04 Musical and instrumental art (oboe) Master Instrumental artist. Teacher
7-07-0215-04 Musical and instrumental art (clarinet) Master Instrumental artist. Teacher
7-07-0215-04 Musical and instrumental art (bassoon) Master Instrumental artist. Teacher
7-07-0215-04 Musical and instrumental art (French horn) Master Instrumental artist. Teacher
7-07-0215-04 Musical and instrumental art (tuba) Master Instrumental artist. Teacher
7-07-0215-04 Musical and instrumental art (trombone) Master Instrumental artist. Teacher
7-07-0215-04 Musical and instrumental art (trumpet) Master Instrumental artist. Teacher
7-07-0215-04 Musical and instrumental art (baritone horn) Master Instrumental artist. Teacher
7-07-0215-04 Musical and instrumental art (saxophone) Master Instrumental artist. Teacher
7-07-0215-04 Musical and instrumental art (percussion instruments) Master Instrumental artist. Teacher
7-07-0215-04 Musical and instrumental art (classical guitar) Master Instrumental artist. Teacher
7-07-0215-04 Musical and instrumental art (cimbalom) Master Instrumental artist. Teacher
7-07-0215-04 Musical and instrumental art (balalaika) Master Instrumental artist. Teacher
7-07-0215-04 Musical and instrumental art (domra) Master Instrumental artist. Teacher
7-07-0215-04 Musical and instrumental art (mandolin) Master Instrumental artist. Teacher
7-07-0215-04 Musical and instrumental art (bayan-accordion) Master Instrumental artist. Teacher
7-07-0215-05 Vocal art Master Vocal artist. Teacher



The deadlines for enrolling applicants are determined in accordance with paragraphs 28 and 35 of the Admission Rules and are established by the Ministry of Education.

Enrollment of applicants to the Academy is carried out in accordance with the approved admission figures:

based on the total score calculated from the results of the test in the discipline “Creativity”, the average score of the sum of points obtained at the entrance examinations and the average score of the document on education in accordance with clause 30 of the Admission Rules;

according to the results of the final certification on completion of the educational program content for preparing people for admission to institutions of higher education of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as the preparatory department) in the discipline “Russian as a foreign language” and in one of the following disciplines (optional): “Composition”, “Solo Instrument”, “Solo Singing”, “Conducting”.

Students who have not successfully completed the curriculum of the preparatory department may be offered a second year of study under the same conditions.

The dates of entrance examinations are determined in accordance with paragraph 19 of the Admission Rules and established by the Ministry of Education.