Tatiana Sushchenia

Tatiana Sushchenia

Position: Senior teacher of the Plucked String Percussion Folk Instruments Department
Belarusian State Academy of Music (2007) dulcimer class of T.Sergienko
Courses taught: Special instrument, ensemble (dulcimer)

She was born on February 2, 1982 in Minsk, BSSR.

She is laureate and scholarship holder of the Special Fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for the support of talented youth (2000, 2005, 2007).

From 2004 till 2017 she was honored teacher of the State ensemble “Holiday” of Belarusian State Philharmonic Society. For all this years toured solo in Belarus as well as abroad ( the Uk, Germany, Ukraine, Russia, Laos etc.

For the years of work in Belarusian State Philharmonic Society she was awarded the Gratitude and the Certificate from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus for many years of fruitful work, significant contribution into renaissance and preserving Belarusian culture (2011, 2014).

Since 2017 she’s been a teacher of Minsk State Music College named after M.Glinka, head of the dulcimer ensemble “Belarusacka”. T.Sushchenia was a part of the jury of Republican and International competitions.

She is one of the founders of I and II Open city competition of Belarusian dulcimer players named after T.Sergeenko.

She is laureate of International competitions and festivals. The most significant are:

  • II degree laureate of International competition of young performers named after E.Coca (Moldova, Kishinev, 2000)
  • I degree laureate of III International competition of folk instruments performers named after G.Khotkevich (Ukraine, Kharkov, 2004)
  • I degree laureate of VI International competition of folk instruments performers “Cup of the North” (Russia, Cherepovets, 2006)
  • I degree laureate of International competition “E-Muse” as a duet “Duo Trend” (Greece, Athens)
  • III degree laureate of International competition “Play” as a duet “Duo Trend” (Italy, Rimini, 2017)
  • II degree laureate of International competition of methodological works “Modern teacher” (Russia, 2021)

Publications and manuscripts: She is the author of the range of arrangements and performing redactions for dulcimer solo and ensemble.

Compeller Scientific-methodological complex on educational course – Special instrument (dulcimer). Speciality 2-16 1 31 Instrumental performance, 2-16 01 31-05 Instrumental performance / Minsk Music College named after M.Glinka; [compeller T.Sushchenia] – Minsk, 2022.