- Белорусская государственная академия музыки -



A public defense of the dissertation of Associate Professor of the Department of Music History and Musical Belarusian Studies, Candidate of Art History, Associate Professor Svetlana Nikolaevna Nemtsova-Ambaryan took place

On 09.01.01, the Council for the defense of doctoral (candidate’s) dissertations held a public defense of the dissertation of Associate Professor of the Department of Music History and Musical Belarusian Studies, Candidate of Art History, Associate Professor Svetlana Nikolaevna Nemtsova-Ambaran for the degree of Doctor of Art History in the specialty 17.00.02 – Musical Art.
The topic of the dissertation is “musical and theatrical text as an artistic phenomenon (the creative legacy of E. A. Glebov)”.
Scientific consultant – Director General of the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater of the Republic of Belarus, Doctor of Art History, Professor Ekaterina Nikolaevna Dulova.