- Белорусская государственная академия музыки -




Position: Professor of the Social and Humanitarian Department
Academic degree: PhD of Philological Sciences (1999)
Academic title: Associate Professor (2006)
Education: Belarusian State University, Faculty of Philology (1994), postgraduate studies there at the Department of Applied Linguistics under the guidance of Professor S.Prokhorova (1997), doctoral studies (applicant) at Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after M. Tank under the guidance of Professor V.Starichenka (2008)
Courses taught: Russian as foreign language, Foreign language in the sphere of professional communication

She was born on July 4, 1971 in Minsk (Belarus).

Works at the Belarusian State Academy of Music since 2000. Teacher, senior lecturer, associate professor of the Department of Languages; Associate Professor, Professor of the Social and Humanitarian Department. She taught Russian as a foreign language to graduate students, undergraduates and basic course students, and poetics to 4th year students. Author and co-author of more than 300 published scientific, scientific, methodological and educational works in the Republic of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Georgia, Armenia, Poland, USA, Romania, Japan, South Korea, Czech Republic and other countries. Recipient of a diploma from the American scientific journal “Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science” (2019). Winner of International Research Competitions at ICNP “New Science” (Russia): “Researcher of the Year 2019” (2019), “Researcher of the Year 2020” (2020), “Best Research Article 2020” (2020), “Best Research Project 2021” (2021), “Teacher of the Year 2021” (2021), “Philologist of the Year 2021” (2021), “Scientific achievements of higher education” (2022), “Art as a calling” (2022).

Author and co-author of educational programs in Russian as a foreign language, author of the educational program in the discipline “Foreign language in the sphere of professional communication”, co-author of the electronic methodological educational complex in these disciplines. Organizes the research work of foreign students and undergraduates: their participation in scientific events, writing scientific papers.

Author of 8 books: educational and methodological manual for music universities “Russian as a foreign language. Practical grammar. Exercises” (Minsk, 2007. – 79 p.), monograph “The concept of “music” in poetic texts – representatives of different languages and cultures” (Minsk, 2009. – 188 p.), a textbook with the stamp of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus “Russian language as a foreign language: professional skills module. Musical Art” (Minsk, 2014. – 359 p.), a textbook with the stamp of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus “Russian as a foreign language. Working with texts about Belarusian culture” (Minsk, 2017. – 406 pp.), monograph “Musical and poetic discourse in Russian and Belarusian poetry of the 19th–20th centuries.” (Minsk, 2018. – 498 p.), textbook with the stamp of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus “Russian as a foreign language: module of professional proficiency. Musical art” (Minsk, 2020. – 359 pp.), monograph “Musical and poetic discourse as an expression of the interaction of various types of art in Russian and Belarusian poetry of the 19th–20th centuries.” (Minsk, 2021. – 272 pp.), educational and methodological manual “Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language at a music university” (Minsk, 2022. – 276 pp.).

Collaborates with the Russian Language Department of the Humanitarian Institute of Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “North Caucasus Federal University” (Stavropol, Russia), publishes articles in the scientific almanac of the Stavropol branch of The Russian Cognitive Linguists Association “Language. Text. Discourse” (ISSN 2224-0810), with the Department of Foreign and Russian Languages of the Omsk Automotive and Armored Engineering Institute – a branch of the federal state-owned military educational institution of higher education “Military Academy of Logistics Support named after Army General A.V. Khrulev” (Omsk, Russia), with the Department of Theory and Methods of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language, Faculty of International Relations, BSU, with the Department of Theory and Practice of Translation, Faculty of Sociocultural Communications, BSU, with the State Literary and Memorial Museum of Yakub Kolas, with the State Literary Museum of Yanka Kupala, with the State Museum of the History of Belarusian Literature, with its branch – the Maxim Bogdanovich Literary Museum, etc.

In 2011–2018 participated in events organized within the framework of the project “Creation of a virtual educational and scientific space of an intellectual community”, implemented by the International Coordination Council with the participation of universities from different countries (USA, Armenia, Italy, Russia, Slovakia, Turkey, Czech Republic, Republic of Korea, Japan and other countries ).

She is working on her doctoral dissertation “The concept of “music” in Russian and Belarusian poetry of the 19th–20th centuries,” on the textbook “Russian as a foreign language: working with texts on the history of world literature,” on the monographs “The world needs a song word: the linguistic aspect of poetry S.Yesenin”, “Creativity of M. Bogdanovich in the modern multicultural world: linguistic aspect.”

She was awarded a diploma from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus (2012), a diploma from the Belarusian State Academy of Music (2017).


  1. Mikhailova E.V., Senatorova D.V. The emotional potential of M.A. Bogdanovich’s poems at the lessons in Russian as a foreign language for would-be musicians // Problems of modernization of modern higher education: linguistic aspect [Text]: materials of the IV International. scientific method. conf. (May 25, 2018). – Omsk: Ippolitov Publishing House, 2018. – P. 413–417.
  2. Mikhailova E.V. Studying the biography and creativity of the famous Belarusian poet G. Buravkina in classes on Russian as a foreign language at a music university // Current problems of teaching the Russian language XIII. editor: Doc. Mgr. Simona Koryčánková, Ph. D. – Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2018. – S. 158–164.
  3. Mikhailova E.V. The role of artistic landscape in the formation of the image of the Motherland in the poems of Yakub Kolas 1898–1917. // Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science. – Volume 3. – Issue 1. – March 2018. – P. 69–79.
  4. Mikhailova E.V. Musical and poetic discourse as an explanation of the internal unity of different art forms // Faces of Russian studies in the information virtual space: collection. report X International forum in real and virtual mode. 28 Sep. – 01 Oct. 2018, Dankuk University, Republic of Korea. – Cheonan, Dankuk University Publishing House, 2018 // Cross-Cultural Studies: Education and Science. – Special issue. – Volume 3. – Issue III. – September 2018. – P. 38–43.
  5. Mikhailova E.V. Realization of musical and poetic discourse in the romances of A.Bogatyrev to poems by A. Akhmatova // Language. Discourse: scientific almanac of the Stavropol branch of The Russian Cognitive Linguists Association / ed. prof. G.Manaenko. – Vol. 16. – Stavropol: Publishing House of North Caucasian Federal University, 2018. – P. 202–211.
  6. Mikhailova E.V. Interdisciplinary approach as the basis for teaching Russian as a foreign language at a creative university // Języki słowiańskie na neofilologiach i innych kierunkach studiów. Slavic languages in neophilology and other university specialties / redakcja L. Frolyak, S. Szaszkowa, L. Mikryt. – Lublin: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, 2019. – S. 109–119.
  7. Mikhailova E.V., Gerasimova N.A. Work on the fairy-tale image of the Snow Maiden and the epic image of Sadko from the operas of the same name by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov in the process of studying the Russian language and Russian culture by foreign music students // Języki słowiańskie na neofilologiach i innych kierunkach studiów. Slavic languages in neophilology and other university specialties / redakcja L. Frolyak, S. Szaszkowa, L. Mikryt. – Lublin: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, 2019. – S. 121–132.
  8. Mikhailova E.V. Musical and poetic discourse in Russian songs and romances: features of formation and implementation // RESEARCHER OF THE YEAR 2019: collection. Art. Intl. scientific research competition (October 21, 2019). – Petrozavodsk: ICNP “New Science”, 2019. – P. 132–141.
  9. Mikhailova E.V. The concept of “music” in the poetic works of A.A. Blok // RESEARCHER OF THE YEAR 2020: Sat. Art. IV Int. scientific research competition (December 6, 2020). – Petrozavodsk: ICNP “New Science”, 2020. – P. 423–435.
  10. Mikhailova E.V. The concept of “music” in Belarusian poetry (on the example of the works of V. Zhilka) // BEST RESEARCH ARTICLE 2020: collection. Art. III Int. scientific research competition (Dec. 20, 2020). In 2 parts. Part 2. – Petrozavodsk: ICNP “New Science”, 2020. – P. 195–206.
  11. Mikhailova E.V. Linguistic and conceptual analysis of poetic text in classes on Russian as a foreign language (using the example of poems by N.S. Gumilyov) // Problems of modernization of modern higher education: linguistic aspects [Text]: materials of the VII International. scientific method. conf. (May 21, 2021). – Omsk: OABII, 2021. – P. 240 – 245.
  12. Mikhailova E.V., Nazarko E.V. Linguistic realization of the poetic image of China in poems in Russian (based on Chinese lyrics from the eras of the six dynasties, Tang and five dynasties, Song) // Language. Text. Discourse: scientific almanac of the Stavropol branch of RALC / ed. prof. G.N. Manaenko. Vol. 18. – Stavropol: Publishing House of North Caucasian Federal University, 2020. – P. 133–144.
  13. Mikhailova E.V., Gerasimova N.A. Objectification of the image of music with the help of names and images of musical instruments in Russian poetic discourse // Language. Text. Discourse: scientific almanac of the Stavropol branch of RALC / ed. prof. G.N. Manaenko. Vol. 18. – Stavropol: Publishing House of North Caucasian Federal University, 2020. – P. 218–228.
  14. Mikhailova E.V. The concept of “music” in the poetry of S.A. Yesenina // BEST RESEARCH PROJECT 2021: Sat. Art. II International scientific research competition (Nov. 29, 2021). – Petrozavodsk: ICNP “New Science”, 2021. – P. 286–297.
  1. Mikhailova E.V., Senatorova D.V. Poems by Russian poets about songs during classes in Russian as a foreign language at a music university // TEACHER OF THE YEAR 2021: Sat. Art. II International prof.-research. competition (Dec. 14, 2021). In 3 parts. Part 2. – Petrozavodsk: ICNP “New Science”, 2021. – P. 247–259.
  2. Mikhailova E.V. The concept of “music” in the poetry of M.I. Tsvetaeva // PHILOLOGIST OF THE YEAR 2021: Sat. Art. Intl. research prof. competition (Dec. 21, 2021).- Petrozavodsk: ICNP “New Science”, 2021. – P. 6–18.
  3. Mikhailova E.V., Gerasimova N.A. Semantic-cognitive study of the concept “music” in the collection of poems by M.A. Bogdanovich “Wreath” in Russian language classes with foreign undergraduates and graduate students // SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENTS OF HIGH SCHOOL: collection. Art. II International scientific research competition (February 7, 2022). – Petrozavodsk: ICNP “New Science”, 2022. – P. 270–282.
  4. Mikhailova E.V., Gerasimova N.A. Linguistic expression of the theme of the seasons in the poetry of S.A. Yesenina // ART AS A VOCATION: collection. Art. III Int. research prof. competition (March 21, 2022). – Petrozavodsk: ICNP “New Science”, 2022. – P. 38–47.
  5.  Mikhailova E.V. Studying the poetic works of M.I. Tsvetaeva in classes on Russian as a foreign language at a music university // Traditions, innovations and prospects for teaching Russian as a foreign language at a university: collection. materials IV Int. scientific-practical conf. / ed. G.K. Kasimova. – Penza: Branch of VA MTO, Penz. art. Eng. Institute, 2022. – pp. 70–76.